- If a doctor ever asks you if you want the 2mg or 3mg Lunesta pill to help you sleep on the airplane, always ask for the 3mg. The 2mg was a total bust.
- If you ever go to your seat and find you are sitting next to a 10 year-old Bulgarian boy and have any desire to sleep during the flight, take 6mg of Lunesta.
Lies. LIES!!!
You always know a trip is gonna be good when it involves lots of rain and lots of drugs. I hope you all get some sleep...no biking or driving off some curvy mountain road in a sleep-deprived stupor. Looking forward to more posts!!
I'm with you emily, wet, drugged, men on tricycles, all they need is some GW Bush t shirts to complete the ensemble. Look out europe here they come.
Live it up and try to also live in a manner so that you can remember this trip later on!
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